
鸡的做法大全 >> 正文 >


我只能自己来 I had to make it for myself.

对太多人我无能为力 There were so many people I couldn‘t help,

但慢慢的 我开始领会 but after a while, I came to appreciate it.

死亡之美 The beauty of it.

人类的生命因其短暂 Human life is ephemeral,

才弥足珍贵 which makes it precious.

瞧这一身儿西装革履 Look at that suit, huh?

交通都应该为华尔街王子哀悼才是啊 对不 Figured the traffic should part for the princes of Wall Street, right?

我们需要身份证件 We‘ll need an ID to notify.

我退休金账户里的钱没准儿就是被他拿去了 He‘s probably got what‘s left of my 401k in there.

我仍然困扰 It still bothered me.

如此众多的死亡 如此毫无意义 So much death, so much of it senseless.

似乎永远没有答案 Nothing seemed to answer the question.

然后我听到了 And then I heard something.

我想不起从哪里听的 I don‘t remember where.

一切忽然有了意义 Something that made sense of it to me.

这种悬而未决要坑死我了 The suspense is killing me.

再加上枪伤帮忙 In addition to the gunshot wound.

我想不起来 I don‘t remember.

每个人都会孤身死去 Everyone dies alone...

还有其他 And then something else.

简直完美 It‘s so perfect.

你学到了生命的意义 然后忘记了 You learn the secret of life, and you‘ve 成都治疗癫痫病forgotten it.

我会努力想起 I‘ll try to remember.

两分钟 哈罗德 Two minutes, Harold.

时间索引 周二

时间索引 周一

怎么了 What‘s going on?

能说说这是哪儿吗 Mind telling me where we are?

你想知道全部真相 莱奈尔 You wanted to know the whole truth, Lionel.

弗斯科警探 Detective Fusco,

这就是机器 meet the Machine.

我就知道你们是疯子 I knew you guys were crazy,


不过这疯得也太超凡脱俗了 but this is next-level nuts.

也是时候了 It‘s about time.

很高兴你加入我们 芬奇 I‘m glad you could join us, Finch.

我们到底要不要出去突突了 Are we gonna bust some heads open or what?

我真希望有这么简单 肖女士 I wish it was that simple, Ms. Shaw.

冰九病毒影响了全球 Ice-nine virus has had a global impact.

也许这个能帮上忙 Maybe this can help.

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