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I didn‘t see his face.

He was built, under 6 feet, wiry, strong.

Guy was fast. He knew what he was doing.

He sat in Frank‘s closet for hours?

He sat on a rooftop unseen for longer.

He‘s special ops. Has to be.

Could be someone you arrested or convicted.

He‘s angry, thinks you wronged him.

Or he believes you hurt someone he cares about.

Beth Davis.

Think ex-military, proficient with guns and knives.

All right. Got it.

Two guys you asked us to 杭州最权威癫痫病医院check out, they both have alibis.

I keep a list of all the people that have made credible threats against me in my office.

I think there are a few more that fit that profile.

Those are from last year. This is this year.

Who‘s that in the photo with you, Jimmy?

That‘s me and Jesse at the midtown youth center.

And Cara and Frank.


Today‘s victims. What are you thinking, Jack?

Jimmy at his desk.

Look where I‘m sitting.

Who sits here?

My office小儿癫痫种类rs, men under my command.

Not perps?


Are we looking for a cop?

One of my men?

Someone who sat right here staring at your loved ones while you reprimanded him,

made him feel small.

This is where it began.

This where he started plotting against you.

Anyone work for you who‘s ex-military?

Most of my men are ex-military.

Someone who satright here, Jimmy.

And he‘s someone with a grievance against you.

Silas Martin.

I fired him two years ago.

Former special forces,

Sharpshooter in Afghanistan.

Get me a last known on Silas Martin, former LAPD, Metro Division.

Send patrol to his house.

He‘s armed and dangerous.

All right, Jimmy. What do we need to know?

He killed a teenager in a high-school parking lot, said the kid pulled a gun,

but no weapon was recovered at the scene.

His military records were clean,

but when I did some digging, I found that he was treated for anxiety as a kid,

And I think there were even more issues.

The man was unstable. I had to let him go.

His appeal dragged on and on,

but his termination was finalized 6 months ago.

Did he everthreaten you?

No. He barely saidany thing at his hearing.

I knew he was upset, but I would have never expected this.

The dismissal was just a trigger.

The way he‘s responding is tied to an underlying psychosis.

That son of a bitch.

We got an address. Van Nuys.

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