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吃深绿色果蔬 有助祛晒斑 - 民福康健康

我就送了一篮点心聊表谢意 I sent him a basket of pastries as a thank you.

当然带监听器 Bugged, of course.

我太生她的气了 简直想杀了她 I‘m just so angry with her, I could kill her.

随着你越来越平静 那些感觉会消退 And those feelings will dissipate as you feel calmer,

赛克斯先生 Mr. Sykes.

说说你母亲 Tell me about your mother.

说出她的名字 大声点 Speak her name, out loud--

她的全名 her full name.

玛丽 Mary.

-玛丽·夏克福德·赛克斯 -很好 - Mary Shackford Sykes. - Very good.

很好的开始 That‘s a start.

看起来治疗起作用了 斯凡 It seems therapy has helped, Sven.

我好几个月没这么安稳地睡过觉了 I haven‘t been able to sleep this well in months.

你仍认为周围充满假货吗 And do you still believe you‘re surrounded by phonies?

很悲哀 是的 Sadly, yes.

但是多亏你 我可以忘掉过去 But t癫痫病乌鲁木齐哪个医院好hanks to you, I‘m able to push past,

重新用心经营我的古董生意 to rediscover the quality and craft of my antique business,

寻找我工作的意义 search for the meaning in my work.

看来海登这治疗师也不太烂 Sounds like Hayden isn‘t a half-bad therapist after all.

今天病人很多吗 A lot of patients today?

有怪人吗 Anybody weird?

一堆的母亲情结 Wall-to-wally mommy issues.

导致人产生烟瘾 E武汉治疗癫痫哪里最好nough to make a man want to smoke.

或睡眠不足 Or under-sleep

或暴饮暴食 或 or over-eat or--

或 Or?

那女孩是谁 芬奇 Who‘s the girl, Finch?

她叫娜塔莉·波尔 Her name is Natalie Boal.

在下城区的一家美术馆工作 She works at an art gallery downtown.

她从一年前开始接受海登的治疗 She started coming to Hayden for therapy a little over a year ago.

现在可不只是治疗了 It‘s more than therapy now.

瞧瞧 Look at that.

他不是在工作 他爱上她了 He isn‘t working her, he‘s in love.

就她看他的那眼神 And if she‘s making those eyes at him,

她肯定不知道他那些犯罪勾当 I bet she doesn‘t know about his minal side.

有一天 不再有病人 Someday, no more patients.

不再有精神病 No more psychoses.

不再有傲慢的艺术品买家 No more snooty art buyers.

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